There is no plot at this time, this is pretty much a free for all RPG. Please enjoy your stay and take a look around.
News 03.24.11; Activity check time! Please make sure you post there or your characters and posts will be moved to storage and your lands opened up!
01.30.11; Threads that haven't been touched since October are being moved to the archives. If you'd like a thread moved back to where it belongs, send Dingo a PM.
10.03.10; New layouts hope you guys likee. C: Sorry for the sudden change.
-No advertising, please save that for the plug board.
-Fighting and arguing is not allowed.
-Keep swearing to a minimum. Don't swear at all if you can.
-No spamming nor flooding, which is roughly the same thing.
-Just be yourself, no impersonating.
-Kindness is the key!
A large, rushing river runs through this grassy territory, keeping the land saturated and green almost all year round. Resting at the base of a mountain, clouds that were denied passage over the peak empty their loads and keep the river full.